Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Voice of Truth

Voice of Truth by Casting crowns: Oh what I would do to have, the kind of faith it takes to climb out of this boat I am in. Onto the crashing waves. To step out of my comfort zone, into the realm of the unknown, where Jesus is. And He's holding out His hand. But the waves are calling out my name and they laugh at me. Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed. The waves they keep on telling me, time and time again. Boy you'll never win. You'll never win.

But the Voice of Truth tells me a different story. The Voice of Truth says do not be afraid. And the Voice of Truth says this is for My glory. Out of all the voices calling out to me. I will chose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth.

This song really spoke to me today as I am once again finding myself stepping way out of my comfort zone because I believe I am being called to do so.

About a year ago a wonderful lady partnered with me and together we created a workshop called Rejoice. An opportunity to help others strengthen their walk with Christ. We gave it a pilot run and we weren't able to complete the seven week journey, for a few reasons. Even though I believed we had a great program - it still felt like we had failed.

She has recently called on me again to give it another run and even though I have many voices in my head that are trying to fill me full of fears and doubt - I am going to listen to the voice I chose to be the loudest! The Voice of Truth!

My hopes are for you as you read this, if you are being called to do something that you are afraid to try or think you won't be any good at - ask yourself - who's voice is that? The voice telling you that you are no good and not worthy of success. Omit that voice from your head - because it's really not doing you any good. The more you can erase those negative voices, the clearer you will be able to hear the one - the only one - that counts. The Voice of Truth.