Sunday, January 15, 2012

Kid Clothes Hangers

My 8 year old outgrew his kid clothes hangers. It was actually his older cousins hand-me-downs' fault but regardless, I shed a little tear as the shirt I hung on a hanger slid right off.

They say kids grow up in a blink of an eye - but I think I have just been choosing not to watch!

I turned the other way when his dad referred to him as a "tween" after an emotional dispute.

I chose not to listen when I am pretty sure Ethan was requesting to stay at a friends house instead of hang with us on a Saturday night.

I waived the white flag and told him to "go ask dad" when he came home with homework that looked like this: With a die, you can roll a number from 1 to 6. Predict the number of times you would roll the number 3 if you rolled the die 24 times. Explain your answer.

I am so thankful he still kisses me good-night - and for pictures!

1 comment:

  1. this makes me sad! baby grew up so fast :( i hope it's still a few years before he doesn't want to hang with me anymore!
