Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Do you believe things happen for a reason?

My husband and I were searching for a church after moving. We truly thought that God would bring us to our new church home. We literally got up one Sunday morning, got dressed, got in the car with a phone book in hand and said "God, take us to our new church." We drove around all morning and ended up at Perkins, defeated and hungry. After a year, we were still on the search. We tried every Church it seemed, and we didn't even care about the denomination. It was a Sunday night. We had missed another Sunday. I was online desperately searching. I came upon a church that I had seen in passing while driving around our community. Their mission statement fit ours and I declared this was the church we would visit next Sunday.

That Monday morning I got my first call as a result of my postcard mailing. It was the same church I had found online just the night before.

The voice on the other end declared: "We just started a women's group called Sole Sisters, and now your postcard is here on my desk!"

I told her that her church was the one we were ready to visit next. And so the next Sunday this woman and her friend invited me to church with them.

I felt peace. I felt at home. There was no doubt that this would be our new community and within a month, we were members.

Six months later, I gave my speech, at their church brunch. Again, it was just wonderful! I had declared to my husband earlier that week that my shoe speech career was going to take off and replace my current job within the year. After I gave that speech, I upped my deadline to 6 months. Yes, I am a dreamer. NO, it didn't happen. But I am still dreaming!

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